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City of Sarasota


Building and Engineering Permitting Online Services

Start a New Permit
  • Building/Zoning Permit  Applications for construction or demolition permits can be submitted here.
  • Building & Zoning Over the Counter Permit  "Over the Counter" permits can now be submitted online. Once reviewed and approved, your permit will be e-mailed to you. Jobs consisting of a solely of electrical, solely of plumbing (including sewer or waterline replacement), a door replacement, a window replacement, re-roofing, or Air Conditioning change-out may quality for this expedited review. A request for an after-hours work permit may also be submitted. Use the Building & Zoning permit for any other category of work.
  • Tree Permit  A permit is required to remove or relocate any tree (other than citrus) greater than four and one-half inches in diameter at breast height and most palms. While there is no fee to remove "nuisance" species of trees such as Melaleuca (punk trees), Australian Pine, and certain others, you must obtain a permit prior to their removal. Only citrus trees do not require permits.
  • Engineering  Apply for an Engineering Permit - including Erosion and Siltation, Franchise Utilities, Right-of-Way Use, and ROW Special Event.
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Review Submitted Permit Documents / Pay Balances

If you know the Application ID or Permit Number you may enter that ID. Select/enter what you know and press 'Search.' You may also pay your permit balances here. Some residential permit data, prior to 1997, may not be available on line.

Enter ONLY the street name (without directional prefixes/suffixes or types)